
This One’s for the Girls

by Mistina Picciano  ||   No Comments

Michael Michalowicz, author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (a super-fun, uber-practical book on business strategy), devotes today’s TPE blog entry to required reading for female entrepreneurs.

My personal favorite is The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber, as evidenced by tip #8. Fabulous for entrepreneurs of both genders, this book lays out the entrepreneurial myth—the notion that we can set up shop and do what we’re doing now, working less and earning more—and blows that bad boy out of the water.

Going that route doesn’t build a business; it creates a demanding, thankless and poor-paying job that will suck you dry and leave your empty husk as a warning to other would-be entrepreneurs. If any of this sounds distressingly familiar, click on over to Amazon and pick up this paperback treasure for only $12.

Other recommended titles include Built to Last, Mommy Millionaire and (you gotta love this title) If You Don’t Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails.

What’s your favorite book on business strategy and why? Answers from (and for!) both genders are welcome.

Crazy for Kindle?

by Mistina Picciano  ||   No Comments

Are you psyched about Amazon’s Kindle 2 press conference yesterday? Or did you even notice?

Whether you’re enamored, intrigued or underwhelmed by the device, the Kindle illustrates the fact that people are still spending money—where they find value.

When I told my husband about the upcoming release of Kindle 2.0, he suggested that Amazon would have to drop the price. No one would pay $359 in this economy—certainly not enough to take the device mainstream.

He’s probably right. But buyers are still lining up.

After Oprah raved about her device last October, Kindles quickly sold out. The current backorder list doesn’t include those who have been anxiously awaiting the second-generation device.

Most owners of the original Kindle love their device, and the Kindle 2 offers some nice improvements, including:

  • More storage
  • Longer battery life
  • Text-to-speech capability

As a result, people are doling out the cash.

History shows that recessions still hold lucrative opportunities for those who offer creative, innovative ways to fill needs. (Hello, iPod!) Do you know what really distinguishes your business from the competition? And do your marketing messages communicate this value?

Brilliant Beginnings

by Mistina Picciano  ||   No Comments

As I write this, it’s January 12 – or January 13, depending on your geography. (Since I’m presently flying over Alaska toward Japan, I feel caught between dates.) Regardless, we’re darn close to the start of the New Year. New resolutions, new beginnings.

For Mom and me, it’s the start of our latest adventure: three weeks in Taiwan with family.

For me and my business (and my writing life), today also marks the start of this new blog.

Beginnings always create unrealistic expectations of greatness. We feel the need to show our brilliance. This nasty pressure especially plagues writers, who so often give up on their craft because they’re disappointed with early attempts.

It’s okay to suck.

In Bird by Bird, one of the best books on writing I’ve ever read, Anne Lamott says it’s okay to write “really [crappy] first drafts.”

This isn’t just sound advice; it’s almost a universal mandate. Papa Hemingway himself said, “The first draft of anything is [doodoo].”

You have to write the garbage to get the gold.

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing the Great American Novel, a sales letter, or an e-book. With very rare exception, our first attempts fall way short of brilliance.

Sure, these initial scribblings may get the job done. Writing a memo to your boss? Just the facts will probably suffice.

But if you really want your writing to stand out, you must embrace the art of the rewrite.

Ninth time’s the charm?

Almost one year ago, the very talented Liz Martinez invited me to submit a short story for an anthology on Native American noir. I decided to take the plunge, seizing an opportunity to learn more about my Native American heritage.

My story came together over several months, many sessions of which felt like certain NaNoWriMo adventures. I’d sit at my computer or take a notebook and pen and write whatever drivel came to mind. Much of it sounded like crapola, but I had to forge ahead to the end.

Due to time constraints, I showed the complete, imperfect draft to my husband, one of my biggest fans – and one of my most direct critics. Tony offered praise and pointed out current plot holes.

I smiled, nodded, silently vowed not to do his laundry for the next three months, and went back to my keyboard. Roughly 50% of the story changed in the next draft.

We went through this exercise twice more before submitting the story for editorial review.

Then, Sarah Cortez, Liz’s sharp and insightful co-editor, gently guided me through the real revision process. While I’ve worked with editors in the business world, fiction editing was another animal. Together, we produced five more drafts before arriving at the final story that was submitted to the publisher.

The process, not the product.

So much in life comes down to the process, not simply the end product. For instance, I know very few writers who actually enjoy writing, but almost all enjoy the satisfaction of having written a solid piece.

Becoming a better writer – whether you’re a blogger, a marketing writer, a journalist, or a novelist – means giving yourself permission to write badly.

  • Write in great quantities.
  • Accept your malformed early drafts for what they are.
  • Make them better.
  • Rinse and repeat. Again.

Whatever the challenge ahead, attack it with gusto. Accept the fact that success may involve many failed attempts. It’s the courage to fail – and to learn from our mistakes – that will ultimately transform our dreams into reality.

Latest from the blog:

Website Traffic and SEO

In this post, I’ll take a closer look at SEO and the process of optimizing websites for better placement within organic search results to improve website traffic.

Read the Article »

What our clients have to say:

George Donohue

“Market it Write makes the copywriting process painless. Their responsiveness and professionalism kept the project on track, despite a tight deadline. Mistina has a keen ability to understand the client’s needs, and she uses her intelligence and creativity to convey those needs in succinct copy.”


George Donohue, GMAC Real Estate IPG
Industry: Real estate   |   Services: Newsletters, corporate communications, investor relations

Market It Write

George Donohue, GMAC Real Estate IPG
Industry: Real estate   |   Services: Newsletters, corporate communications, investor relations

“Market it Write makes the copywriting process painless. Their responsiveness and professionalism kept the project on track, despite a tight deadline. Mistina has a keen ability to understand the client’s needs, and she uses her intelligence and creativity to convey those needs in succinct copy.”  

Hiroto Takagi

“Many writers want to say things their way, but Market it Write understood exactly what I wanted to say—and that’s what they wrote. Market it Write works for me and for my business. I recommend the company to anybody who needs writing help.


Hiroto Takagi, Bryton Harry
Industry: Sports marketing   |   Services: Website content, marketing support

Market It Write

Hiroto Takagi, Bryton Harry
Industry: Sports marketing   |   Services: Website content, marketing support

“Many writers want to say things their way, but Market it Write understood exactly what I wanted to say—and that’s what they wrote. Market it Write works for me and for my business. I recommend the company to anybody who needs writing help.  

Larissa Nycz Montecullo

“We have had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Market it Write on a daily basis over the past several months, and regularly for over a year prior. Their writing talent, attention to detail, and business savvy across industries make the Market it Write team an incredibly valuable asset to any company.”


Larissa Nycz Montecullo, Tribecca Designs
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content, marketing materials, ad copy

Market It Write

Larissa Nycz Montecullo, Tribecca Designs
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content, marketing materials, ad copy

“We have had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Market it Write on a daily basis over the past several months, and regularly for over a year prior. Their writing talent, attention to detail, and business savvy across industries make the Market it Write team an incredibly valuable asset to any company.”  

Lucien Harriot

"I'm always inspired after a meeting with Market it Write. Mistina's insight into the needs of my company's marketing strategy brings clarity to our messaging and pushes our company closer to the high-performance business model we strive for."


Lucien Harriot, Mechanism Digital
Industry: Media   |   Services: Marketing strategy, marketing materials

Market It Write

Lucien Harriot, Mechanism Digital
Industry: Media   |   Services: Marketing strategy, marketing materials

"I'm always inspired after a meeting with Market it Write. Mistina's insight into the needs of my company's marketing strategy brings clarity to our messaging and pushes our company closer to the high-performance business model we strive for."  

Howard Levy

“I have known Mistina for a while and have since hired her firm on retainer to write our website copy, email newsletters, postcards and articles. Market it Write understands my business, helps develop ideas and writes great copy. They are highly professional, dedicated to their craft and easy to work with.”


Howard Levy, Red Rooster Group
Industry: Creative Agency   |   Services: Marketing consultation, bylined articles, blogs, website content

Market It Write

Howard Levy, Red Rooster Group
Industry: Creative Agency   |   Services: Marketing consultation, bylined articles, blogs, website content

“I have known Mistina for a while and have since hired her firm on retainer to write our website copy, email newsletters, postcards and articles. Market it Write understands my business, helps develop ideas and writes great copy. They are highly professional, dedicated to their craft and easy to work with.”  

Arianne Andrusco

"Have I mentioned how wonderful you are lately? This is good stuff. It is such a pleasure to work with someone who hears the feedback and just gets it immediately. You really are making my job a lot easier. Thank you!"


Arianne Andrusco, NewYork-Presbyterian
Industry: Healthcare   |   Services: Direct mail campaigns

Market It Write

Arianne Andrusco, NewYork-Presbyterian
Industry: Healthcare   |   Services: Direct mail campaigns

"Have I mentioned how wonderful you are lately? This is good stuff. It is such a pleasure to work with someone who hears the feedback and just gets it immediately. You really are making my job a lot easier. Thank you!"  

Gerald Pennington

“The Market it Write team has the ability to grasp what we want to accomplish and put those concepts into words quickly—faster than we could in-house. Whenever they communicate, they respect the demands of our schedules and politely get right to the facts.”


Gerald Pennington, Stryker Spine Global Marketing
Industry: Healthcare   |   Services: Employee newsletters, corporate communications

Market It Write

Gerald Pennington, Stryker Spine Global Marketing
Industry: Healthcare   |   Services: Employee newsletters, corporate communications

“The Market it Write team has the ability to grasp what we want to accomplish and put those concepts into words quickly—faster than we could in-house. Whenever they communicate, they respect the demands of our schedules and politely get right to the facts.”  

Adam Wolf

“Market it Write’s copywriting and editing acumen is only matched by their excellent client service and easy-to-work with demeanor. I’d recommend the firm for any marketing writing assignment.”


Adam Wolf, Wolf Communications
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content, copyediting

Market It Write

Adam Wolf, Wolf Communications
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content, copyediting

“Market it Write’s copywriting and editing acumen is only matched by their excellent client service and easy-to-work with demeanor. I’d recommend the firm for any marketing writing assignment.”  

Barbara Centrella

“You made the experience fun, and you brought so much to the table—things that I would never have thought of on my own. You added a dimension that brings the work to life. I was very pleased with the first media kit and am blown away by the second.”


Barbara Centrella, children’s author
Industry: Publishing   |   Services: Media kit

Market It Write

Barbara Centrella, children’s author
Industry: Publishing   |   Services: Media kit

“You made the experience fun, and you brought so much to the table—things that I would never have thought of on my own. You added a dimension that brings the work to life. I was very pleased with the first media kit and am blown away by the second.”  

Samuel Vinicur

“Market it Write does fabulous work. Mistina's team takes the time to understand both their clients and their clients' audiences. I highly recommend engaging them for any communications efforts you have.”


Samuel Vinicur, TSS International
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Corporate communications, press releases

Market It Write

Samuel Vinicur, TSS International
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Corporate communications, press releases

“Market it Write does fabulous work. Mistina's team takes the time to understand both their clients and their clients' audiences. I highly recommend engaging them for any communications efforts you have.”  

Stephen May

“Market it Write is amazingly adept at working as a team player on a variety of projects and has consistently proven to be a valuable asset. Bottom line: if you need creative and powerful writing for your marketing effort, look no further.”


Stephen May, Crescent Leaf Technologies
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content

Market It Write

Stephen May, Crescent Leaf Technologies
Industry: Creative agency   |   Services: Website content

“Market it Write is amazingly adept at working as a team player on a variety of projects and has consistently proven to be a valuable asset. Bottom line: if you need creative and powerful writing for your marketing effort, look no further.”  

Albert Barette

"Our executive staff reviewed the final product, and it was excellent. Thanks to you and your team for all your input and contributing to our new website. The vertical market sheets were also excellent."


Albert Barette, Bowles Security Group
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Brand strategy, website development, marketing materials

Market It Write

Albert Barette, Bowles Security Group
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Brand strategy, website development, marketing materials

"Our executive staff reviewed the final product, and it was excellent. Thanks to you and your team for all your input and contributing to our new website. The vertical market sheets were also excellent."  

Joe Biondo

“Market it Write adds a level of professionalism, insight and creativity rarely seen in our industry. They consistently deliver exceptional marketing ideas, unique materials and solutions that have allowed us to move forward with our business development and marketing programs. They ‘get it’ and know how to articulate your message. They are true professionals, a pleasure to work with, and I would recommend them without hesitation to any business or organization looking to increase their business, membership and/or public image.”


Joe Biondo, Summit Investigations
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Sales letters, advertisement copy, website content

Market It Write

Joe Biondo, Summit Investigations
Industry: Security & Investigations   |   Services: Sales letters, advertisement copy, website content

“Market it Write adds a level of professionalism, insight and creativity rarely seen in our industry. They consistently deliver exceptional marketing ideas, unique materials and solutions that have allowed us to move forward with our business development and marketing programs. They ‘get it’ and know how to articulate your message. They are true professionals, a pleasure to work with, and I would recommend them without hesitation to any business or organization looking to increase their business, membership and/or public image.”  

Lee Angus

“I loved having Market it Write do the interviews and walk us through the drafts to the final version, and I was impressed with your ability to condense the story to meet our needs. It was also nice to have someone ‘outside’ write the story. The results seemed more objective than they would have been if I had written it.”


Lee Angus, Legacy Alliance
Industry: Professional services   |   Services: Corporate communication

Market It Write

Lee Angus, Legacy Alliance
Industry: Professional services   |   Services: Corporate communication

“I loved having Market it Write do the interviews and walk us through the drafts to the final version, and I was impressed with your ability to condense the story to meet our needs. It was also nice to have someone ‘outside’ write the story. The results seemed more objective than they would have been if I had written it.”  

Terry Yoffe

“Market it Write was able to take the content from my last website and transform it to my new one, making the content clear, informative and to the point. The clarity of the content has been so powerful that I have gotten several new clients based on my website. I found Mistina and her team to be easy to work with and very willing to listen to concerns and objectives and work through them in a very professional way.”


Terry Yoffe, TRY Coaching
Industry: Professional services   |   Services: Website content

Market It Write

Terry Yoffe, TRY Coaching
Industry: Professional services   |   Services: Website content

“Market it Write was able to take the content from my last website and transform it to my new one, making the content clear, informative and to the point. The clarity of the content has been so powerful that I have gotten several new clients based on my website. I found Mistina and her team to be easy to work with and very willing to listen to concerns and objectives and work through them in a very professional way.”  
Market It Write

Market It Write